Henry Lacocke TOVEY

Forename(s): Henry Lacocke

Surname: TOVEY


Date of birth: 1802 (approx., calculated)

Date of death: 17 Oct 1861

Date of burial: 25 Oct 1861

Age at death: 59 years

Address: Carisbrooke, Parish of Carisbrooke

Section: D - Cemetery map

Plot No: 913  Section map of plots

    See others in this section

Burial Register entry: Carisbrooke   301

Hampshire Telegraph Sat 26 October 1861 - DEATHS - TOVEY - On the 17th October, at the Swiss Cottage, Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, Henry Lacocke Tovey, Esq., M.D., aged 59.

Also on this marker:

   Charles Henry TOVEY

Also in this grave:

   Charles Henry TOVEY

Carisbrooke Cemetery

Henry Lacocke TOVEY

Image by: Tony Barton